Love Me Knots



“A union of spirits, an offering of love, a bond of infinite value and enduring ties,  lifting two souls to the sacred meeting place between heaven and earth” – Carrie Flintom, Pam Rundquist

A knot is a compact interlacing which ties and bonds two strands of materials together.  A knot can weave two single threads together into something so strong that nothing can ever break its strength.  To tie a simple knot is an uncomplicated process to learn, yet it is crucial in holding together even the most priceless and extraordinary things.  There are countless types of knots, but they are always used to tie or hold something together in a unifying bond. 

Now take that idea of a knot and all it’s purpose, and turn it into a  Love Knot.”  A Love Knot is an act of love and caring directed at another human being. By freely giving Love Knots to another person, we literally fold our spiritual arms around them through our words and deeds.  With every small knot we tie, we strengthen the bonds of kinship. The more knots we tie, the stronger the connection.  The process is eternally ongoing. 

As you go through your day, think of giving “Love knots” to tie together the bonds of those around you. The opportunties to tie “love knots” are everywhere! Trust that with each knot you tie, you are strengthening the connection to another person as well as yourself.

Here are just a few suggestions to get you started!

– Give a compliment
– Smile at a stranger
– Tip 5% more than normal
– Say “I’m sorry”
– Share your talents
– Be a good listener
– Call an old friend
– Say I love you to someone new
– Give a co-worker a fun little “something” anonymously
– Let someone cut in front of you on the road


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