I was excited to read this interesting article in the New York Times, and I felt it perfect to share with you all on this first day of 2010. In the article, John Tierney looks into the all-so-common phenomenon of postponing pleasure. We all get those gift certificates that expire as we kept putting off Continue Reading...
Tag Archives: gratitude
Everyday Miracles
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Albert Einstein Holidays are such joyous times. It’s easier at this time of year for many of us to find the beauty, the miracle, in the smallest things. Continue Reading...
MJ Ryan – Attitudes of Gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful and life-changing phenomenon. In her extraordinary book, Attitudes of Gratitude, MJ Ryan teaches us how to unlock the fullness of our hearts through the expression of gratitude. “Gratitude helps us to return to our natural state of joyfulness,” Ryan writes, “where we notice what’s right instead of what’s wrong. It makes Continue Reading...
Thanksgiving Each Day
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today Continue Reading...
The Perfect Life
How often do you dream about how perfect your life would be “if“… When you begin to think of what could be, instead of what already is, you lose touch with the present moment, and all the beauty that surrounds your life. When your thoughts turn to dreaming of the “what ifs,” come back to Continue Reading...