Gratitude is a powerful and life-changing phenomenon. In her extraordinary book, Attitudes of Gratitude, MJ Ryan teaches us how to unlock the fullness of our hearts through the expression of gratitude. “Gratitude helps us to return to our natural state of joyfulness,” Ryan writes, “where we notice what’s right instead of what’s wrong. It makes Continue Reading...
Tag Archives: awareness
Carrie’s Must Read Inspirational Books
You may have noticed that I have a new column of recommended books in my sidebar. These are some of my very favorite, and I’m thrilled to be sharing them with you! Listed in no particular order, I’ll be going through and talking a bit about them. First up is A New Earth: Awakening to Continue Reading...
Taking Control Of Our Lives
“Here are two ways to put ourselves in control of our lives imediately. We can make a promise – and keep it. Or we can set a goal – and work to achieve it. As we make and keep commitments, even small commmitments, we begin to establish an inner integrity that gives us the awareness Continue Reading...
Inner Greatness
It is man’s foremost duty to awaken the understanding of the inner self and to know his own real inner greatness. Once he knows his true worth, he can know the worth of others. ~ Swami Muktanada Isn’t it about time we acknowledge the greatness that is in ourselves? Have a truly fulfilling day. ...