Tag Archives: create

Change your story, change your life!

We all have a story… our repeated account of what went wrong in our life, who hurt us, or why we can’t achieve our dreams. What’s important to realize, and to fully understand, is that when we get caught up in our story, we give up the power to create the lives we truly want Continue Reading...

You are the author of your own life

Most people think of a “book” when they hear the word “author”.  But I have come to believe that we are all authors, we are all writing the stories of our own lives on a daily basis.  What we create, what we decide, what we choose to do with our time are all the elements that Continue Reading...

Creating Meaning in our Lives

We are constantly creating our lives. Every single day we create our life by what we give our attention to. If we focus on all the elements wrong in our life, that’s what our world will feel like. If we choose to focus on all the things that are good, and right in our life, Continue Reading...