I am so excited to be speaking at the biggest Women’s Conference of the year in California! This is an event you won’t want to miss. Grab your gal pals and come join all the fun!!! And, because you are connected with me, you will receive a 10% discount on your tickets if you use Continue Reading...
Blog - Heroes In Heels
The gift of Living Authentically
Words of Wisdom from Anne Frank
“How wonderful it is that nobody need to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” -Anne Frank, author, holocaust survivor We can all make a difference and contribute whenever we choose to, at any age, or under any circumstance. When we contribute, we feel a pure sense of fulfillment. This is also Continue Reading...
The Will To WIN!
“The spirit, the will to win and the will to excel – these are the things that will endure and these are the qualities that are so much more important than any of the events themselves.” – Vince Lombardi, Jr....
Words of Wisdom from Jim Rohn
“Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. I’ve worked hard on my personal development, and I must admit that this has been the most challenging assignment of all. This business of personal development lasts a lifetime. But here’s the great axiom of life: To have more than you’ve got, become Continue Reading...
In her book, Unstoppable, Cynthia Kersey shares inspirational stories that demonstrate real-life examples of people overcoming great obstacles to achieve their dreams, sometimes against all odds; a true testament to the power of the human spirit. She also shares 7 characteristics of Unstoppable People, which include: devoting themselves to their true purpose, and persevere, no matter what the Continue Reading...
Instant Inspiration
“To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable; and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly…to listen to stars and buds, to babes and sages, with open heart; await occasions, hurry never…this is my symphony.” – Continue Reading...
The Real You
Listen to the passion of your soul, set the wings of your spirit free; and let not a single song go unsung. – Sylvana Rossetti Throughout my journey of helping women, I have found that the majority of women are so caught up in their busy lives they’ve forgotten who they truly, authentically are. We Continue Reading...
This is Not the Life I Ordered
There are two ways of meeting dificulties: you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself meeting them. – Phyllis Bottome, English writer “This is Not the Life I Ordered”, is a wonderful book that began with four friends getting together for “kitchen table coaching sessions” to share the struggles that they were faced with on Continue Reading...
Love Me Knots
LOVE ME KNOT: “A union of spirits, an offering of love, a bond of infinite value and enduring ties, lifting two souls to the sacred meeting place between heaven and earth” – Carrie Flintom, Pam Rundquist A knot is a compact interlacing which ties and bonds two strands of materials together. A knot can weave Continue Reading...