Bikinis and Bifocals

Bikinis and Bifocals

The 60’s are the new 50’s. The 40’s are the new 30’s.  We as women are living life with a different mindset, motivation, and purpose. We’ve redefined what it means to be a women at any age, and we’ve embaced the experience and wisdom that aging brings.  True beauty, is found within. And it shows on the faces of women who have embraced who they are, what they’ve been through, and where they’re going. 

We need to stick together and support one another as women. One of my favorite online women’s support group is called, Bikinis and Bifocals.  (Bikinis is for the attitude, and Bifocals is for the reality).  This wonderful group of women share information, support one another, have a lot of fun, and embrace who they are at this time in their lives.  I highly encourage you to check out their site and become a member like I am (it’s free!), and learn more about their mission.  Bikinis and Bifocals… it’s an attitude and a lifestyle!  Spread the word!

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