Blog - Page 4 of 5 - Heroes In Heels

The Art of Affirmations

To affirm means to make firm in one’s mind.  It helps draw into your life what you affirm. Neuroscientists reveal that 70%  of our self talk is both negative and redundant – so consequently it’s important for us to pay attention to what we are saying to ourselves! We need to replace the old dysfunctional beliefs Continue Reading...

Live Your Dream

Today, trust and encourage yourself and believe that whatever you dream you can accomplish.  In a quest to find and fulfill our destiny, we must encourage ourselves to dream beyond the limits of what seems realistic or achievable.  To curb our vision within the boundaries of what is imaginable would prevent us from doing or becoming that which Continue Reading...

Taking Control Of Our Lives

“Here are two ways to put ourselves in control of our lives imediately.  We can make a promise – and keep it.  Or we can set a goal – and work to achieve it.  As we make and keep commitments, even small commmitments, we begin to establish an inner integrity that gives us the awareness Continue Reading...

Inner Greatness

It is man’s foremost duty to awaken the understanding of the inner self and to know his own real inner greatness. Once he knows his true worth, he can know the worth of others. ~ Swami Muktanada Isn’t it about time we acknowledge the greatness that is in ourselves?  Have a truly fulfilling day.  ...

The Hero Within

I am a San Diego Life Coach Examiner for, and I’d like to share my recently published article.  If you’d like to see the original, please click here. ________ As women in San Diego, we come from all walks of life, backgrounds and perspectives. As working professionals, moms, wives, neighbors, church members, and friends, we Continue Reading...

Life Purpose

We all come to a point in our lives when we realize that we were put on this earth for a purpose, with a specific gift, to make a difference in this world. Most people spend their adult lives wandering through their days without aligning themselves with that purpose. This is the journey and path Continue Reading...

Creating Meaning in our Lives

We are constantly creating our lives. Every single day we create our life by what we give our attention to. If we focus on all the elements wrong in our life, that’s what our world will feel like. If we choose to focus on all the things that are good, and right in our life, Continue Reading...

The Perfect Life

How often do you dream about how perfect your life would be “if“… When you begin to think of what could be, instead of what already is, you lose touch with the present moment, and all the beauty that surrounds your life. When your thoughts turn to dreaming of the “what ifs,” come back to Continue Reading...

All Creation Is Energy

All of creation is energy. Everything in this universe is vibrating at different frequencies, and your reality is simply determined by which frequency you choose to dial into. We each have the opportunity to create our own reality- we can choose to focus on the “possible” or we can choose to focus on the “impossible”. Continue Reading...