About: admin

Recent Posts by admin

Marianne Williamson – A Return to Love

Does this quotation sound familiar? “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Often mistakenly attributed to Nelson Mandela, it is really the brainchild of Marianne Williamson, a spiritual activist, author, and lecturer, who has become something of an American Guru.  Perhaps the biggest Continue Reading...

A Smile can change the day

“Each person’s smile at a particular moment constitutes a unique event in the history of mankind.” ~ Rene Dubos Life gains more meaning when we express our love for others.  It’s always easier to love the ones closest to us.  But on those gems of days when we feel just wonderful, walking down the street Continue Reading...

Carrie’s Must Read Inspirational Books

You may have noticed that I have a new column of recommended books in my sidebar. These are some of my very favorite, and I’m thrilled to be sharing them with you!  Listed in no particular order, I’ll be going through and talking a bit about them. First up is A New Earth: Awakening to Continue Reading...

You are the author of your own life

Most people think of a “book” when they hear the word “author”.  But I have come to believe that we are all authors, we are all writing the stories of our own lives on a daily basis.  What we create, what we decide, what we choose to do with our time are all the elements that Continue Reading...

Skirt! is all about women…

I have recently become a “skirtsetter” on the fabulous website called Skirt!, a fast-growing community of women online that are incredibly loyal, thoughtful and fun.  An interactive magazine, it really feels like a second home, with tons of interesting blogs, essays, advice, special events, and a lot more.  I love blogging at Skirt.com because it Continue Reading...

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