I was moved by two quotations of Mother Teresa’s.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
“We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.”
It’s winter, the economic times are really tough for a lot us, and yet, almost all of us have the ability to help someone else who may have a greater need than our own. Sometimes all of the sorrow and anguish that exists in the world can seem overwhelming. We think, “what good can my small donation be?” Not so. Everything helps. And as we help others, we help ourselves. Generosity, selflessness, is an act of our humanity.
As such, two completely modern, ingenious ways to give to charity came across my path this week. One gives shoes to third-world children. The other, gives books to the same needy kids around the world. Read a little bit about TOMS Shoes (every pair you buy, a pair gets donated), and Room To Read and the Fledgling Wine initiative launched between Crushpad and twitter (every $20 bottle of wine you buy, $5 goes to books for kids).
Happy winter to you all!