Each thought that is welcomed and recorded is a nest egg, by the side of which more will be laid. Thoughts accidentally thrown together become a frame in which more may be developed and exhibited. Perhaps this is the main value of a habit of writing, or keeping a journal – that so we remember Continue Reading...
Tag Archives: Thoughts
The Perfect Life
How often do you dream about how perfect your life would be “if“… When you begin to think of what could be, instead of what already is, you lose touch with the present moment, and all the beauty that surrounds your life. When your thoughts turn to dreaming of the “what ifs,” come back to Continue Reading...
All Creation Is Energy
All of creation is energy. Everything in this universe is vibrating at different frequencies, and your reality is simply determined by which frequency you choose to dial into. We each have the opportunity to create our own reality- we can choose to focus on the “possible” or we can choose to focus on the “impossible”. Continue Reading...