About Us

Carrie Flintom

Carrie Flintom is a Certified Strategic Life Coach dedicated to helping women who are struggling to balance the demands of work and/or family, lost in the consuming details of their lives, challenged with a life transition, or simply tired of living an overloaded and unfulfilling existence. A sought-after speaker and author, she offers practical, effective coaching techniques that help women create a life filled with passion, purpose, and meaning.

Recent appearances include: IBM, Wells Fargo Bank, Qualcomm, The California Women’s Conference, Bentwater Ladies Organization, Simi Valley Hospital Foundation “Hats off to Women”, California State Employees Association Women’s Conference, and The Orange County Association of Educational Office Professionals.

Carrie is the mother of three grown children and lives in San Diego, California, with her husband.

For more information about Carrie or to book her for your next event, please email her at Carrie@heroesinheels.com or call 858-997-6305.



Pam Rundquist

Pamela Rundquist has been the owner of a successful Interior Design firm for over 25 years, One Shabby Chic Interiors. As a design coach and stylist, her focus is to help bring peace, harmony and clarity into your living space through organization and editing. She has dedicated her career to sharing ideas that inspire others to make their homes a beautiful reflection of who they are, believing that your home should be your sanctuary. She is a contributing author to the book, Heroes in Heels along with her lifelong friend, Carrie Flintom.

Pamela is the mother of four grown children and resides in Newport Beach, California. For more information about Pamela or her design services, Please e-mail her at pamela@heroesinheels.com or call 925-787-0405